



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    110Chin-Wen Liao, I-Chi Wang, Kuo-Ping Lin*, and Yu-Ju Lin,2021,A Fuzzy Seasonal Long Short-Term Memory Network for Wind Power Forecasting,Mathematics (SCI, IF=1.747, Q1),9,11,pp1-15 (SCI)廖錦文
    109蕭錫錡, 張仁家, 廖梵儒, 陳狄成, 陳甦彰,2021,當前科技大學電資領域畢業生就業力調查,技術及職業教育學報,8,3,pp1-19 (其他)陳狄成
    109陳狄成, 曾國銓,2021,衝壓製程中板材對衝頭機械性質之壽命分析,鍛造,30,1,pp11-17 (其他)陳狄成
    109Kai-Chao Yao, Wei-Tzer Huang, Li-Chiou Hsu, Chin-Kun Yang, and Jian-Yuan Lai,2020,Evaluation of the Established IoT Smart Home Robot Teaching Module Based on Embedded Thematic-Approach Strategy ,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020,pp1-10 (SCI)黃維澤 特聘教授
    109Dyi-Cheng Chen, Hsi-Chi Hsiao, Jen-Chia Chang, Su-Chang Chen, Kuo-Cheng Wen, Jia-Yue Guo, Yu-Chen Gao,2020,Research on the implementation status and learning satisfaction of off-campus internship courses in the department of mechanical engineering of the university of technology,ICITL 2020, LNCS 12555,LNCS 12555,pp172-181 (其他)陳狄成
    109Kai-chao Yao; Wei-tzer Huang; Jian-yuan Lai and Chin-kun Yang,2020,Virtual Portable Electro-Cardiogram Instrument Establishment,Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,127 (SCI)黃維澤 特聘教授
    109Kai-chao Yao, Wei-tzer Huang, Li-chiou Hsu, Jian-yuan Lai and Chin-kun Yang,2020,IoT Application on Establishing Smart Home,ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications (ICIC-ELB),11,pp1133-1142 (EI)黃維澤 特聘教授
    109Dyi-Cheng Chen, Kuo-Cheng Wen, Rih-Sheng Yang and Yu-Yu Lai,2020,Study on mold flow analysis and injection product verification by analysis of variance and response surface method - taking toothbrush as an example,Solid State Phenomena,311,pp64-73 (EI)陳狄成
    109CHIH YU LIAO, RAMADHANI KURNIAWAN SUBROTO,IBRAHIM SAIFUL MILLAH, KUO LUNG LIAN, WEI-TZER HUANG,2020,An Improved Bat Algorithm for More Efficient and Faster Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading Conditions,IEEE Access,8,1,pp96378-96390 (SCI)黃維澤 特聘教授
    109Lee, Y.-D.; Jiang, J.-L.; Ho, Y.-H.; Lin, W.-C.; Chih, H.-C.; Huang, W.-T.*,2020,Neutral Current Reduction in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution Feeders by Optimal Phase Arrangement Based on a Full-Scale Net Load Model Derived from the FTU Data,Energies (SCI)黃維澤 特聘教授
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