

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    102J.S.S. Wu, P.J. Hsu, J.P. Hung, Y.R. Chen Y.L. Lai*,2013,3D Quasi-Dynamic Load Contact Analysis of Conjugate Spur Gear,Applied Mechanics and Materials,404,1,pp213-219 (EI)賴元隆
    102廖勻華,廖錦文, 高昭煌,2013,高(中)職進修學校面對少子女化之學校經營困境及其因應策略研究,明新學報,39,2,pp73-88 (其他)廖錦文
    102Dyi-Cheng Chen, Jiun-Ru Shiu and Jheng-Guan Lin,2013,Optimization analysis of A7075 bicycle stem forging process,,Key Engineering Materials,Vols. 554-557,pp227-233 (EI)陳狄成
    102林志鴻 、廖錦文 、李秀琴 、李志偉,2013,大專校院通識教育實施現況分析:以「科學素養」所開設之相關課程為例 ,長庚科技學刊 ,18,pp33-42 (其他)廖錦文
    102陳狄成, 許珺茹, 林政光,2013,鋁合金自行車鍛造成形豎管之振動模態分析,鍛造,22,2,pp28-34 (其他)陳狄成
    102Dyi-Cheng Chen, Jun-Yan Pan, Juan-Wei Gao and Wen-Jong Chen,2013,Design and surface roughness analysis of thin-sheet plastic injection forming,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,Vol. 234,pp743-753 (EI)陳狄成
    102Dyi-Cheng Chen and Ci-Syong You,2013,Taguchi method and genetic algorithm neural networks analysis of forging process of bicycle chain wheel,Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols. 284-287,pp220-224 (EI)陳狄成
    102Chin-Wen Liao, Chih-Hao Chen, David Wen-Shung Tai ,2013,Incorporating Podcast in Elementary school Reading Instruction,Applied Mechanics and Materials,421,2013,pp652-657 (其他)廖錦文
    102Lo, Chih Cheng; Lu, Shih-yun; Hsieh, Wei Her,2013,Patent Enforcement Strategies in the United States: An Integrative Framework 56-66,Journal of Intellectual Property Right,18,1,pp56-66 (SSCI)羅志成
    102Chang, Shu-Hsuan, Lin, C.-H., Mai, Y.-T., Yu L.-C.,2013,An Innovative Network Security Course with Ontology Framework,International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education,10,(1),pp31-41 (其他)張菽萱
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