

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    1012012,Chang, Shu-Hsuan*, Chen, M.-L., Kuo, Y.-K., & Shen, Y.-C. (2011). A simulation-based LED device design project in photonics instruction based on industry-university collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Education, **, ****. (Accepted 15 November 2010 and published on line) (NSC 95-2516-S-018-001-MY3) (SCI, 2010 Impact Factor = 1.157, Ranked = 43%) (SCI)張菽萱
    1012012,黃清欣、張菽萱*、楊禮仁。家事專家調解委員評選之研究。台北市立教育大學學報,40(1),55-90。 (其他)張菽萱
    1012012,Ku, A.-C. (指導學生), Chang, Shu-Hsuan*, Huang, Y.-M., Wu T.-C. (2011). Effect of stimulus fading strategy combined with pedagogical agent on functional vocabulary learning in moderately retarded students. (submitted) (SSCI) (SSCI)張菽萱
    1012012,Chang, Shu-Hsuan*, Wu, T.-C., Kuo, Y.-K., You, L.-C. (2011). Project-Based Learning with an Online peer assessment system in a Photonics Instruction for Enhancing LED Device Design Skills. (submitted) (SSCI) (SSCI)張菽萱
    1012012,Chang, Shu-Hsuan*, Wu, T.-C., You, L.-C., Kuo, Y.-K. (2011). Promoting Project-Based Learning in a Simulation-Assisted Environment through TQM: A Case of OLED Design Project(in preparation) (SSCI) (SSCI)張菽萱
    1012012,游源忠、張菽萱(2011)。我國公立高級中等學校教師介聘制度實務探討。(submitted) (其他)張菽萱
    101廖錦文,李玫芳,2012,高職商業與管理群教師參與在職進修動機與需求量表之探究,育達人文社會學報(Yu Da Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences),8,pp229-246 (其他)廖錦文
    101廖錦文,胡昇杰,張逸蓁,陳治豪,2012,國際技能競賽製造與技術工程類群之裁判能力內涵研究,育達人文社會學報(Yu Da Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences),8,pp247-262 (其他)廖錦文
    101廖錦文,關志昱,張逸蓁,陳治豪,2012,影響學生參加技能檢定因素之研究,育達人文社會學報(Yu Da Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences),8,pp263-269 (其他)廖錦文
    1012012,Wu, T.-C., Chang, Shu-Hsuan, Shu, C.-M., Chen, C.-T., & Wang, C.-P. (2011). Safety leadership and safety performance in petrochemical industries: The mediating role of safety climate. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, **, ****. (Accepted 28 April 2011, Published on line) (SCI, Impact Factor = 0.726, Rank 82/134 =61%) (SCI)張菽萱
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