

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    107陳狄成, 尤麒熊, 丁榮助,2018,整合層級分析、後設分析與田口方法應用於刀具磨耗,技術學刊,33,3,pp155-164 (EI)陳狄成
    107Dyi-Cheng Chen, Tzu-Wen Chen,2018,Developing the capability indicators for CNC machine R&D staff in Taiwan,Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018, ICITL 2018, LNCS 11003,pp223-230 (其他)陳狄成
    107Dyi-Cheng Chen, You-Hua Chen, Ci-Syong You, Shin-Han Huang,2018,Finite element simulation and analysis of saw cutting,MATEC Web of Conferences ,185,00021,pp1-8 (EI)陳狄成
    107Chin-Wen Liao, Ta-Chun Chang, Hung-I Lin and Po-Wen Cheng,2018,Construction and Verification of Digital Electronics Contestants Indicators for Vocational Education in Taiwan,South African Journal of Education (SSCI, IF=0.740),38,3,pp1-10 (SSCI)廖錦文
    107廖錦文,2018,先就業或升學?高中職生涯抉擇的新契機,臺灣教育評論月刊,7,4,pp44-47 (其他)廖錦文
    107Chang, Shu-Hsuan, Wang, C.-L., Lee, J.-C., & Yu, L.-C.,2018,Needs Entrepreneurial Role Models? Driving Forces of Students’ Cyber-Entrepreneurial Career Intention,EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,14,(7),pp3083-3098 (SSCI)張菽萱
    107Dyi-Cheng Chen, Tsung-Ying Kuo,2018,Study of storage shelves deformation using finite element analysis during seismic,MATEC Web of Conferences ,167,03008,pp1-7 (EI)陳狄成
    107Wei-Tzer Huang*, Kai-Chao Yao, Ming-Ku Chen, Feng-Ying Wang, Cang-Hui Zhu, Yung-Ruei Chang, Yih-Der Lee and Yuan-Hsiang Ho,2018,Derivation and Application of a New Transmission Loss Formula for Power System Economic Dispatch,Energies,11,2,pp1-19 (SCI)黃維澤 特聘教授
    107田麗珠、邱垂昌、廖錦文,2018,結合多媒體與概念圖數位教材設計對認知學習效果之研究-以認知負荷為中介變項,數位學習科技期刊,10,1,pp095-126 (TSSCI)廖錦文
    106Yuan-Lung Lai*, Chien-Chih Liao, Zi-Gui Chao,2017,Inverse Kinematics for a Hybrid Parallel–Serial Five-Axis Machine Tool,Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,50,1,pp63-79 (SCI)賴元隆
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